@lingui/core - The core i18n functionality

The main responsibilities of this package are:

  • load message catalogs into application

  • switch active language

  • translate a message - this task has two steps: 1) loading a translation from a message catalog and 2) formatting it with runtime variables

  • in development it also parses messages on-the-fly


yarn add @lingui/core
# npm install --save @lingui/core



Type of catalogs parameters in setupI18n constructor and I18n.load() method:

type Catalogs = {[locale: string]: Catalog}

// Example:
const catalogs: Catalogs =  {
   en: {
      messages: {
         "Hello": "Hello",
         "Good bye": "Good bye"
   cs: {
      messages: {
         "Hello": "Ahoj",
         "Good bye": "Nashledanou"

Message catalog contains messages and language data (plurals). This object is usually generated in CLI:

type Catalog = {
   languageData: {
      plurals: Function
   messages: Messages

Type of messages in Catalogs. It’s a mapping of a messageId to a translation in given language. This may be a function if messages are compiled.

type Messages = {[messageId: string]: string | Function}

// Example
const messagesEn: Messages =  {
   "Hello": "Hello",
   "Good bye": "Good bye"

instance of I18n

Initialize and return a new I18n instance. Usually you want to call it just once and then use returned i18n object across whole codebase.

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

const i18n = setupI18n()

The factory function accepts one optional parameter, options:


Initial active locale.

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

const i18n = setupI18n({ locale: "en" })

// This is a shortcut for:
// const i18n = setupI18n()
// i18n.activate("en")

List of alternative locales (BCP 47 langauge tags) which are used for number and date formatting (some countries use more than one number/date format). If not set, active locale is used instead.

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

const i18n = setupI18n({
   locale: "ar",
   locales: ["en-UK", "ar-AS"]

// This is a shortcut for:
// const i18n = setupI18n()
// i18n.activate("en", ["en-UK", "ar-AS"])

Initial Catalogs.

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

const catalogs =  {
   en: {
      "Hello": "Hello",
      "Good bye": "Good bye"
   cs: {
      "Hello": "Ahoj",
      "Good bye": "Nashledanou"

const i18n = setupI18n({ catalogs })

// This is a shortcut for:
// const i18n = setupI18n()
// i18n.load(catalogs)

Custom message to be returned when translation is missing. This is useful for debugging:

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

const i18n = setupI18n({ missing: "🚨" })
i18n._('missing translation') === "🚨"

This might be also a function which is called with active language and message ID:

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

function missing(language, id) {
   alert(`Translation in ${language} for ${id} is missing!`)
   return id

const i18n = setupI18n({ missing })
i18n._('missing translation') // raises alert
class I18n()

Constructor for I18n class isn’t exported from the package. Instead, always use setupI18n() factory function.

I18n.load(catalogs: Catalogs)
I18n.load(locale: string, catalog: Catalog)

Load catalog for given locale or load multiple catalogs at once.

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

const messages =  {
   "Hello": "Hello",
   "Good bye": "Good bye",

   // Just an example how catalog looks internally.
   // Formatting of string messages works in development only.
   // See note below.
   "My name is {name}": "My name is {name}"

const messagesCs = {
   "Hello": "Ahoj",
   "Good bye": "Nashledanou",
   "My name is {name}": "Jmenuji se {name}"

const i18n = setupI18n()
   en: messagesEn,
   cs: messagesCs

// This is the same as loading message catalogs separately per language:
// i18n.load('en', messagesEn)
// i18n.load('cs', messagesCs)


Don’t write catalogs manually

Code above contains an example of message catalogs. In real applications, messages are loaded from external message catalogs generated by compile command.

Formatting of messages as strings (e.g: "My name is {name}") works in development only, when messages are parsed on the fly. In production, however, messages must be compiled using compile command.

The same example would in real application look like this:

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

// File generated by `lingui compile`
import messagesEn from "./locale/en/messages.js"

const i18n = setupI18n()
i18n.load('en', messagesEn)
I18n.activate(locale[, locales])

Activate a locale and locales. _() from now on will return messages in given locale.

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

const i18n = setupI18n({ language: "en" })
i18n._("Hello")           // Return "Hello" in English

i18n._("Hello")           // Return "Hello" in Czech
I18n._(messageId[, values[, options]])

The core method for translating and formatting messages.

messageId is a unique message ID which identifies message in catalog.

values is an object of variables used in translated message.

options.defaults is the default translation (optional). This is mostly used when application doesn’t use message IDs in natural language (e.g.: msg.id or Component.title).

import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"

const i18n = setupI18n()

// Simple message

// Message with variables
i18n._("My name is {name}", { name: "Tom" })

// Message with custom messageId
i18n._("msg.id", { name: "Tom" }, { defaults: "My name is {name}" })



Triggered when I18n.activate() is called.


  • locale - New locale which is about to be activated


Triggered when I18n.load() is called.


  • locale - Locale of loaded catalog

  • catalog - Content of catalog.


Triggered after locale is changed or new catalog is loaded. There’re no arguments.