API Reference - React (@lingui/react)

Components from @lingui/react wrap the vanilla JS API from lingui-i18n. React components handle changes of active language or interpolated variables better than low-level API and also take care of re-rendering when wrapped inside pure components.

General Concepts

Rendering of Translations

All i18n components render translation as a text without a wrapping tag. This can be customized in two different ways: globally: using defaultRender prop on <I18nProvider> component; or locally: using render prop on i18n components.

Global Configuration

Default rendering component can be set using defaultRender prop in <I18nProvider>. The main use case for this is rendering translations in <Text> component in React Native.

It’s possible to pass in either a string for built-in elements (span, h1), React elements or React classes. This prop has the same type as render prop on i18n components described below.

Local Configuration

Prop name





Class name to be added to <span> element


Element, Component, string, null

Custom wrapper element to render translation

className is used only for built-in components (when render is string).

When render is React.Element or string (built-in tags), it is cloned with the translation passed in as its child:

// built-in tags
<Trans render="h1">Heading</Trans>;
// renders as <h1>Heading</h1>

// custom elements
<Trans render={<Link to="/docs" />}>Link to docs</Trans>;
// renders as <Link to="/docs">Link to docs</Link>

Using React.Component (or stateless component) in render prop is useful to get more control over the rendering of translation. Component passed to render will receive the translation value as a translation prop:

// custom component
<Trans render={({ translation }) => <Icon label={translation} />}>
   Sign in
// renders as <Icon label="Sign in" />

render also accepts null value to render string without wrapping component. This can be used to override custom defaultRender config.

<Trans render={null}>Heading</Trans>;
// renders as "Heading"



  • string? (id) – Override auto-generated message ID

This is the main and most-used component for translation. It supports variables and components inside messages. Usage of this component depends on whether or not you’re using LinguiJS Babel plugins.

Each message is identified by message ID. babel-plugin-lingui-transform-react automatically generates message ID from contents of <Trans> component, but it’s possible to provide custom message ID by setting the id prop.

<Trans>Hello World</Trans>;

// custom message ID
<Trans id="msg.hello">Hello World</Trans>;

// variable interpolation
const name = "Fred";
<Trans>My name is {name}</Trans>;

 // inline components
 <Trans>See the <Link to="/more">description</Link> below.</Trans>;

It’s also possible to use <Trans> component without babel plugin. In fact, it’s the only i18n component you’ll need if you decide to go without the babel plugin.

<Trans id="Hello World" />;

  id="Hello {name}"
  values={{ name: 'Arthur' }}

// number of tag corresponds to index in `components` prop
  id="Read <0>Description</0> below."
  components={[<Link to="/docs" />]}

  id="Today is {today, date, short_date}"
  values={{ today: new Date() }}
    short_date: {
      year: "numeric",
      month: "long",
      day: "numeric"


  • id (string) – Override auto-generated message ID

  • offset (number) – Offset of value for plural forms

  • zero (string) – Form for empty value

  • one (string) – Singular form

  • two (string) – Dual form

  • few (string) – Paucal form

  • many (string) – Plural form

  • other (string) – (required) general plural form

  • _<number> (string) – Exact match form, correspond to =N rule

  • format (string|Object) – Number format passed as options to Intl.NumberFormat

<Plural> component handles pluralization of words or phrases. Selected plural form depends on active language and value props.

This component represents plural formatter in Message Format:

{count, plural, one {# book} other {# books}}

Plural forms for all languages can be found at CLDR Plural Rules page.


Not all languages use zero plural form! English, for example, uses other form when value == 0 (e.g: 1 book, but 0 books).

As a developer, you only need to know plural rules for the language used in source code. For example for English it’s only one and other:

const count = 42

// renders as '42 books'
    one="# book"
    other="# books"

# character inside message is used as a placeholder for value.

other plural form is used when a specific plural form isn’t defined.

It’s also possible to use exact matches. This is commonly used in combination with offset prop. offset doesn’t affect exact matches, only plural forms:

const count = 42

    // when value == 0
    _0="Nobody arrived"

    // when value == 1
    _1="Only you arrived"

    // when value == 2
    // value - offset = 1 -> `one` plural form
    one="You and # other guest arrived"

    // when value >= 3
    other="You and # other guests arrived"


  • value (number) – Override auto-generated message ID

  • other (number) – (required) Default, catch-all form

This component selects the form based on content of value prop. It works like a switch statement. other prop is used when no prop matches value:

// gender == "female"      -> Her book
// gender == "male"        -> His book
// gender == "unspecified" -> Their book
    male="His book"
    female="Her book"
    other="Their book"


  • value (number) – Override auto-generated message ID

  • offset (number) – Offset of value for plural forms

  • zero (string) – Form for empty value

  • one (string) – Singular form

  • two (string) – Dual form

  • few (string) – Paucal form

  • many (string) – Plural form

  • other (string) – (required) general plural form

  • _<number> (string) – Exact match form, correspond to =N rule. (e.g: _0, _1)

  • format (string|Object) – Number format passed as options to Intl.NumberFormat

MessageFormat: {arg, selectordinal, ...forms}

This component is equivalent to <Plural>. The only difference is that it uses ordinal plural forms, instead of cardinal ones.

// count == 1 -> 1st
// count == 2 -> 2nd
// count == 3 -> 3rd
// count == 4 -> 4th


Message catalogs and the active language are passed to the context in <I18nProvider>. However, context should never be accessed directly. The withI18n() high-order component passes i18n prop down to wrapped component and shadows all implementation details.


  • language (string) – Active language

  • locales (string|string[]) – List of locales used for date/number formatting. Defaults to active language.

  • catalogs (object) – Message catalogs

  • defaultRender (React.Element|React.Class|string) – Default element to render translation

  • missing (string|Function) – Custom message to be returned when translation is missing

defaultRender has the same meaning as render in other i18n components. Rendering of translations is explained at the beginning of this document.

language sets the active language and loads corresponding message catalog. locales are used for date/number formatting for countries or regions which use different formats for the same language (e.g. arabic numerals have several representations).

missing is used as a default translation when translation is missing. It might be also a function, which is called with language and message ID. This is useful for debugging:

import React from 'react';
import { I18nProvider } from '@lingui/react';

const App = ({ language} ) => {
     return (
         <I18nProvider language={language} missing="🚨">
            {/* This will render as 🚨*/}
            <Trans id="missing translation" />

catalogs is a type of Catalogs:

// One catalog per language
type Catalogs = {
  [language: string]: Catalog

// Catalog contains messages and language data (i.e: plurals)
type Catalog = {
  messages: Messages,
  languageData?: {
    plurals: Function

// Message is either function (compiled message) or string
type Messages = {
  [messageId: string]: string | Function

This component should live above all i18n components. A good place is as a top-level application component. However, if the language is stored in a redux store, this component should be inserted below react-redux/Provider:

import React from 'react';
import { I18nProvider } from '@lingui/react';

const App = ({ language} ) => {
     const catalog = require(`locales/${language}.js`);

     return (
         <I18nProvider language={language} catalogs={{ [language]: catalog }}>
            // rest of the app


  • update (bool) – Subscribe to catalog and activate language updates

<I18n> injects i18n object and i18nHash to child component, which may be lambda component, regular component or React element. This pattern is known as render prop component.

If want to use i18n object in instance or lifecycle methods, consider using withI18n() high-order component.

i18nHash is useful when rendering pure components or elements as it contains hash of active language and catalogs. Instead of comparing i18n object it’s enough to compare i18nHash to decide if component should update.

Using lambda components:

import React from "react"
import { I18n } from "@lingui/react"
import { t } from "@lingui/macro"

function LogoutIcon() {
   return (
         {({ i18n }) => <Icon name="turn-off" ariaLabel={i18n._(t`Log out`)} />}

Using components and elements:

import React from "react"
import { I18n } from "@lingui/react"
import { t } from "@lingui/macro"

function TranslatedComponent({ i18n }) {
   return <Icon name="turn-off" ariaLabel={i18n._(t`Log out`)} />

function RenderingElements() {
   return (
         <TranslatedComponent />


  • options (Object) – Configuration for high-order component

  • update (bool) – Subscribe to catalog and activate language updates

  • withHash (bool) – Pass unique i18nHash prop to force underlying PureComponent re-render on catalog and active language update

  • withRef (bool) – Returns reference to wrapped instance in getWrappedInstance

withI18n() is a higher-order component which injects i18n object to wrapped component. i18n object is needed when you have to access plain JS API for translation of JSX props:

import React from "react"
import { withI18n } from "@lingui/react"
import { t } from "@lingui/macro"

const LogoutIcon = withI18n()(({ i18n }) => (
  <Icon name="turn-off" ariaLabel={i18n._(t`Log out`)} />


withI18n() automatically hoists static properties from wrapped component.



i18nMark(msgId: string)

Mark string as translated text, but don’t translate it immediatelly. This string is extracted to message catalog and can be used in <Trans> component:

const message = i18nMark('Source text');
<Trans id={message} />;

// This is the same as:
<Trans id="Source text" />;

i18nMark() is useful for definition of translations outside components:

const languages = {
  en: i18nMark('English'),
  fr: i18nMark('French')

Object.keys(languages).map(language =>
  <Trans key={language} id={languages[language]} />


In development, i18nMark() is an identity function, returning msgId.

In production, i18nMark() call is replaced with msgId string.